Sunday I looked into my store – and I knew that all of the stock was ruined, which was confirmed by the insurance adjustor today. So, it will all be packed up and off to the dump!
Then I can go shopping! And buy all clean and beautiful brand new books to sell to all of my customers.
We had a good meeting with our insurance agent and I am confident that I can afford to not only restock but also replace all of our damaged and very stinky computers, telephones and everything else I need to do business.
It will be a lot of work but it is something I can control - unlike life right now!
I am setting up in my underused dining room for now to do just what I did when we closed the door to the store on 24 March because of the pandemic. My phone and fax number will be the same once they are installed on Wednesday. I will be able to order, receive and sell books as usual, sort of. I will be set up by Monday 8 June.
I will be open Monday & Wednesday & Friday from 10 am – 4 pm. I will post my summer 2020 newsletter next week and have all of those books in stock as well as the most popular of the new books. I will start replacing the books I had already received for special orders and place the new orders I have received in the past few days. Please be patient for a week or so until things start flowing into the “store” as usual.
Thank you to everyone who has called or sent messages of concern and support – it is why I am determined to re-open and carry on.
Thank you to Jim & Bonnie Beatty who have been amazingly supportive and compassionate at a time that is also terribly upsetting and challenging for them.
Thank you to the team at Georgian Bay Software – always calm and capable when I am in a panic. They saved my business program and quickly got me up and running – and able to print the inventory report needed by the insurance company.
Everyone involved in the insurance industry, my agent, David Penfold, and all of the others who are working to get us back in business in the Beatty Building, have been helpful and kind. It is a shocking event – but it is not a tragedy – and we will all celebrate and enjoy when we open our doors to what I know will be a lovely, clean and bright space full of books and happy readers!
Thanks & keep well, Charlotte